Census population schedules (or "name schedules" or "manuscript census") are copies of the original questionnaires collected during each decennial census. They list the individual names and family information of the people enumerated. Unlike the statistics published soon after the census, the population schedules remain confidential for 72 years. 1930 is the most recent population schedule available.
These are computer files intended to be loaded into statistical software for analysis and creating your own tables. In some cases these files can be used with spreadsheet software as well.
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Highlights of the 1910 Census
Questions asked
Address; name; relationship to head of family; sex; race; age; marital status; number of years of present marriage; for women, number of children born and number now living; place of birth and mother tongue of person and parents; if foreign born, year of immigration., whether naturalized or alien, and whether able to speak English, or if not, language spoken; occupation, industry, and class of worker; if an employee, whether out of work on census day, and number of weeks out of work during preceding year; literacy; school attendance; home owned or rented; if owned, whether mortgaged; whether farm or house; whether a survivor of Union or Confederate Army or Navy ; whether blind or deaf and dumb. Supplemental schedules for the Indian population; blind; deaf; feeble-minded in institutions; insane in hospitals; paupers in almshouses; prisoners and juvenile delinquents in institutions.
For more information:
Statistics of the 1910 Census
Multi-year census compilations (compare across years): These sources tend to include statistics for large geographic areas (e.g. states), but can be very useful when comparing statistics over time.
Digitized Data Sources
Key publications:
Print available in the Library |
Online access |
Vol I: Population. General Report and Analysis |
Vol II: Population. Reports by States: AL - MT |
Vol III: Population. Reports by States: NE - WY, AK, HI, and Porto Rico |
Vol IV: Population. Occupational Statistics |
Vol V: Agriculture. General Report and Analysis |
Vol VI: Agriculture. Reports by States with statistics for counties: AL - MT |
Vol VII: Agriculture. Reports by States with statistics for counties: NE - WY, AK, HI and Porto Rico |
Vol VIII: Manufactures. General Report and analysis |
Vol IX: Manufactures. Reports by States with statistics for principal cities |
Vol X: Manufactures. Reports for Principal Industries. |
Vol XI: Mines and Quarries. General Report and Analysis |
Abstracts with Illinois supplement |
Abstract |
Thirteenth census of the United States: 1910. Bulletin. Population: United States. Statistics of the Indian population -- Number, tribes, sex, age, fecundity, and vitality. Main Library Special Collections L Boas Pam D621t |
Statistical atlas of the United States |
Bulletin 127: Chinese & Japanese in the U.S.: 1910 |
Bulletin 129: Negroes In the U.S. |
Paupers in almshouses 1910. Gov Info Census C 3.2:P 28 |
n/a |
Handbook of federal statistics of children Main Library Special Collections Boas Pam U58355h |
n/a |
Wealth, debt, and taxation. |
n/a |