World Health Organization - WHO
The directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system. It is responsible for providing leadership on global health matters, shaping the health research agenda, setting norms and standards, articulating evidence-based policy options, providing technical support to countries and monitoring and assessing health trends.
Global Health Observatory (GHO) - WHO
WHO's portal providing access to data and analyses for monitoring the global health situation. It provides critical data and analyses for key health themes, as well as direct access to the full database. The GHO presents data from all WHO programmes and provides links to supporting information.
Data at WHO
For historical health statistics from WHO member nations, search NUSearch for World Health Statistics (annual, quarterly)
WHO GIS Center for Health
"By connecting maps, apps, data and people the WHO GIS Centre is dedicated to support countries and partners to make informed public health decisions faster and to extend the reach of geospatial information across the organization."
State of the World's Children, UNICEF
This annual statistical compendium presents the most recent key statistics on child survival, development and protection for the world’s countries, areas and regions. Historical editions in print format can be found using NUSearch.
Eurostat Health Statistics - European Union
Eurostat - EU
Detailed statistics on the EU and candidate countries; search under health.
Health Nutrition Population (HNP) Statistics - World Bank
Provides key health, nutrition and population statistics gathered from a variety of international sources. Themes include population dynamics, nutrition, reproductive health, health financing, medical resources and usage, immunization, infectious diseases, HIV/AIDS, DALY, population projections and lending. HNPStats also includes health, nutrition and population statistics by wealth quintiles.
OECD Data Explorer -
Search for health statistics to find comparable statistics on health and health systems across OECD countries.
World Health Report - WHO
Each year the report combines an expert assessment of global health, including statistics relating to all countries, with a focus on a specific subject. The main purpose of the report is to provide countries, donor agencies, international organizations and others with the information they need to help them make policy and funding decisions.
Find print editions 1995-2013 by searching NUSearch