United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization - UNESCO
The educational branch of the United Nations
1,000+ types of indicators and raw data on education, literacy, science and technology, culture andcommunication.
Europa World: Europa World Year Book Online
Available to the NU community
Eurostat - EU
Detailed statistics on the EU and candidate countries; search under education. The category "Education and Training" contains all articles on European education and training statistics. The policy backgrounds and uses of education and training statistics are explained in "Education and Training Introduced".
OECD Education Statistics - OECD
Direct access to OECD's datasets on education.
Latest print issues of Education at a Glance available in Gov Info Reference 370.5 E238.
EFA Global Monitoring Report - UNESCO
Annual publication prepared by an independent team based at UNESCO. It monitors progress towards the six education for all goals adopted in Dakar, Senegal in 2000.
Print edition in GovInfo Reference
Global Education Digest - UNESCO
Latest education statistics from primary to tertiary levels in more than 200 countries.
Print edition in GovInfo Reference
World Education Indicators - UNESCO, OECD
A joint collaboration between the UNESCO Institute for Statistics and the OECED that develops policy-relevant education indicators with national coordination from 16 diverse countries.