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International Resources by Theme

International Resources by Subject

Key Organizations

International Labour Organization - ILO
devoted to advancing opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity. Its main aims are to promote rights at work, encourage decent employment opportunities, enhance social protection and strengthen dialogue in handling work-related issues. 

Key Resources

    Main ILO database on labour statistics covering labour force participation (data since 1945), employment, unemployment, time-related underemployment, NEET (Not in Employment Education or Training), trade union membership and collective bargaining, informal employment, working poverty, and labour inspection.

  • ILO Databases - ILO
    Access to 30+ thematic databases from the International Labour Organization.

  • Bulletin of Labour Statistics - ILO
    Print only. Latest year in Gov Info Reference, 331.0212 B936.

  •  Employment Statistics - OECD

  •  International Labor Comparisons - U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics has discontinued this data program but maintains access to the methods used to create it.  The Conference Board uses the BLS methods to continue providing data on productivity, unit labor costs, and underlying data series are available for 38 countries in North America, Europe, and Asia.

  •  Key Indicators of the Labour market (KILM) - ILO
    The KILM contains a core set of 20 labour market indicators that cover various facets of decent work deficits around the world.

  • Labordoc - ILO
    Contains references and full text access to the world's literature on the world of work; covers all of the publications by the ILO since 1919 and in all languages

  • OECD Labour and Employment Market Statistics- OECD
  • Labour Force Statistics - OECD
    Includes labour statistics broken down by sex such as: civilian employment, employees, unemployment, etc. Data are collected from sample household surveys on a monthly or quarterly basis.
  • OECD Employment Outlook, 2007 - OECD
    Available through SourceOECD to the NU community.

  •  OECD Non-Member Labour Database - OECD
    Available through SourceOECD to the NU community.

  • Yearbook of Labour Statistics - ILO
    Available in print 1965-2007 in GOV 331.06 I612y.