NUSearch contains information about some, but not all, of the government publications in the NU Libraries collections.
Use one or more of the following databases to identify U.S. government agency publications - each will have unique features and search options.
Congressional publications on key American public policy issues including foreign affairs, crime, national security, science and technology, transportation, the economy, labor, commerce, public health, the environment, and education. Includes the full text of proposed legislation and its status in the legislative process and the full text of recently signed law. Provides information about current members of Congress and Congressional committees.
Unless otherwise noted, links go to NUSearch, which provides call number and location information for these print resources.
The vast majority of government publications are now published directly to the web, ensuring widespread availability. However, access to most older government documents remains somewhat limited; these items are generally only available in libraries that are part of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) - this map/directory will help you determine which depository libraries are near you. Many libraries and other organizations, such as those noted below, are working to increase availability by creating digitized copies of these older documents.
Knowing what an agency is responsible for, and who works in that agency, can help find the information you need,