Northwestern University Libraries have been a U.S. Federal Depository Library since 1876. Our collection includes materials in paper, microfiche, CD-ROM, DVD formats and online formats. This guide is based on a similar guide by Kelly Smith at UCSD.
The End of Term Web Archive captures and saves U.S. Government websites at the end of presidential administrations. The EOT has thus far preserved websites from administration changes in 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2020. We are currently accepting URL nominations for the End of Term 2024 Web Archive.
White House websites are Presidential records. The official files that make up a Presidential administration's website are preserved in our Executive Office of the President Electronic Records Archive. In order for the public to easily access the websites, the National Archives has taken an additional step to "freeze" the White House websites and make them available online. Because the archived websites are hosted by the National Archives and are historical material, they are no longer updated. Any broken links (internal or external) will not be updated.
Tracks government attempts to restrict or prohibit scientific research, education or discussion, or the publication or use of scientific information, since the November 2016 election.
Identified steps taken by the Trump administration and Congress to scale back or wholly eliminate federal climate mitigation and adaptation measures. The tracker is linked to our database of climate change regulations and our two other climate regulation trackers: the Climate Reregulation Tracker covering the Biden administration and the Climate Backtracker covering the second Trump administration.
Downloaded and rehosted prior to the end of the Biden administration, this mapping tool allows analysis of census tracts that are marginalized by under investment and overburdened by pollution. Data and geographic shapefiles are available for download.
Directory of the federal government. During the transition period, use agency websites to identify the most recent office holders. Agency descriptions and other contact info will continue to be relevant.
Listing of the positions in the executive and legislative branches – the “plum” positions - to be filled by appointment by the incoming presidential administration.
Connecting resources from our agency, Office of Personnel Management, National Archives and Records Administration, U.S. Office of Government Ethics, and others, the site will assist future political appointees in gaining a deeper understanding of critical aspects of their roles, as well as important policies and facets of federal service.
From the nonprofit Partnership for Public Service, this site provides nonpartisan assistance and information to presidential candidates to help them navigate the transition process. Is also a repository of documents from previous transitions.
Produced just after each Presidential election this publication lists more than 9,000 Federal civil service leadership and support positions in the executive and legislative branches that may be subject to noncompetitive appointment.
The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) plays a vital role in Presidential transitions, reviewing the financial disclosure reports of prospective Presidential nominees and resolving their potential conflicts of interest so they can serve with integrity.
Selected reports from the non-partisan Congressional Research Service. Searches of their website will bring up additional reports on this and other topics.
The 2020 End of Term website harvest is underway. Use this link to nominate sites for harvest. The EOT has thus far preserved websites from administration changes in 2008, 2012 and 2016.
". . . .legal custody of the President’s records are automatically transferred to NARA at noon on the last day of the administration . . . The decision to build the future Obama Library in Chicago was made in 2015, and this year a temporary storage site was chosen in the Chicago area. Our staff in Washington, D.C., have been hard at work for months, packing artifacts and preparing records for eventual shipment to the Midwest."
As the 15th Presidential Library operated by the National Archives, this site introduces access to the official records and social media output of the Trump Administration.