Job Reference from NU Library
Promotions are:
The information below helps with the jargon used at the University and provide information on library facts and mission.
Please read and be aware.
What you should know about Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Harassment
Job Verification Form
Student Employee Records
Student’s work-study files are confidential and should not be viewed by anyone other than the individual student or the Office of Financial Aid.
Per University policy, Work-Study Supervisors approached by outside agencies or employers for reference checks may give only the title, wage rate and dates of employment of former work-study employees. Additional information may be given out only if the inquiring agency provides the student's signature to release this information.
Evaluations Process
WORK/STUDY students -If a poor evaluation is received, the student will be called into the Federal Work-Study Office for a discussion of the student's work performance with the Work-Study Coordinator.
Performance Evaluation
This process should involve a discussion between Supervisor and employee. Through honest exchange between both parties, it is hoped that the student's job performance may improve, and that the work relationship will become more rewarding.
Wage rate for student/temp positions
The Library wage rate is set according to the base wage for that position (e.g. Library Aide 3; library Aide 4, etc)
Students/Temps receive .05 cents longevity for each complete quarter (three months of employment) and during evaluation time a merit increase is given depending on the rating (e.g. 5 consistently demonstrate outstanding performance; 4 demonstrate above average performance; 3 demonstrate average performance; 2 performance needs to improve; 1 unacceptable performance)
Merit Increase
Previously Worked for the Library – Re-Hire