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Northwestern University Library Student Handbook


Library Timekeeping SystemKRONOS
The Library use an electronic timekeeping system to collect hours worked

  • The Main Library and Seeley Mudd Library uses a timeclock where students/temps are to use their Wildcard / P/T Temp Card to swipe IN/ OUT for their shift
  • The Math and Schaffner Library uses a manually entry process where the total hours worked for the shift are entered in the timekeeping system


  • Timesheets consist of a two week work period
  • The work period begins on a Sunday and ends on a Saturday

Approval of Timesheets

  • timesheets are approved  on the second Friday before the work period ends by 5:00 p.m.
  • check the Bi-Weekly Schedule of Cut-Off Dates to determine the date to approve your timesheet.
  • after you clock out - approve timesheet by using the computers in User Experience-Info Commons
  • the URL for KRONOS is
  • Supervisors can no longer approve a timesheet with a missing punch.

It is very important that you review your timesheets to make sure of all the hours worked have been recorded, and there are no missing punches.

NOTE: If you approve your timesheet before you finish out your work schedule, when you swipe in for work the swipe will not register on your timesheet.

Missing Punches

  • Missing punches are to be reported to the supervisor in order to be paid in a timely manner for hours worked
  • Hours reported to supervisor after payroll has been processed for a work period will be entered as a “Historical Edit” by the supervisor.
    • Historical Edits are paid out on a Thursday following a pay date – this is direct deposited.

Supervisor Approval

  • The supervisors approve the timesheet on the Monday after a work period ends
  • Once the supervisor approves the timesheet the timesheet will no longer be accessible  for recording hours worked.
  • Contact the department supervisor if this occurs.

NOTE:  The Timekeeping Office sends out a reminder about when to approve timesheets




Bi-Weekly Supervisors

View the student/temp timesheet for accuracy

Approve the Bi-Weekly timesheet on the Payroll Monday before 11:00 am but no later than 1:00 pm

Enter Historical edits if an adjustment is need in a previous payperiod (only supervisors can enter an historical edit):

Select the previous work period or select the "..Range of Dates" option and enter the beginning date and ending date of a work period:

Click on "Amount" - then click on "Add Historical with Retroactive pay Calculation"

Make the necessary changes on the timesheet in the "historical edit" mode and press the "Calculate difference.." button at the bottom of the timesheet. 

After you press "Calculate difference.." you will see the panel below with "sa..." this is the "Save" button

Before pressing  the "S...." or "Save" button is pressed - review the the correction/change to make sure the date and shifts are correct because one you press SAVE the information goes to the Payroll/Timekeeping Office and cannot be changed.  In order to make a correction to an historical edit Payroll/Timekeeping would have to be contacted and the entry would have to be deleted then you will be able to re-enter the "historical edit"

The historical edit will appear as the it shows in the snap shot below, the missing time on the original timesheet will not change.


After the historical edit has been entered you should see a tab at the bottom of the timesheet panel titled "Historical Amounts"