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U.S. History

Early Republic

 Founders Online
Correspondence and other writings of seven major shapers of the United States: George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams (and family), Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison. [Includes] over 184,000 searchable documents, fully annotated, from the Founding Fathers Papers projects.

 Founders Early Access
The Rotunda Founders Early Access project makes available for the first time thousands of unpublished documents from our nation’s founders in a free online resource. Collected over many years by the Founders documentary editions, these letters and other papers penned by important figures such as James Madison, John Adams, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson offer Americans of all ages and interests a wider view of the early Republic.

 Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789
Part of the American Memory collections, "this complete edition, published by the Library of Congress from 1904 to 1937, is based on the manuscript Journals and other manuscript records of the Continental Congress in the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress. Further information on how this edition was assembled, as well as notes explaining features introduced by the editors, may be found in the Prefatory Note to volumes 1 and 2."

 Papers of George Washington
A landmark in historical scholarship, The Papers of George Washington Digital Edition encompasses five separate series and the complete diaries. This digital edition offers the full content of 74 letterpress volumes in a single online publication. You may search on full text and by date, author, or recipient across all volumes and series. The exceptional indexing of the individual print volumes is combined here into a single master index, and all internal document cross-references are linked.

 Papers of Thomas Jefferson
Crucial to our nation’s history as author of the Declaration of Independence and third president, Thomas Jefferson was also a major figure in the Enlightenment, representing for Europeans the embodiment of the early nineteenth-century American mind. Since 1950, his writings have been compiled in two ongoing projects, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson at Princeton University, and The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series sponsored by the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, which documents the time between Jefferson’s return to private life and his death in 1826. Rotunda’s digital edition brings together the content of the published volumes into one searchable online resource.

 Papers of Alexander Hamilton
This edition of Alexander Hamilton’s papers contains letters and other documents written by Hamilton, letters to Hamilton, and some documents (commissions, certificates, etc.) that directly concern Hamilton but were written neither by him nor to him. This edition is based on a faithful print-to-XML conversion of the twenty-seven volumes of the letterpress edition edited by Harold Syrett et al. and published by Columbia University Press between 1961 and 1987.

 Papers of Dolley Madison
Containing over 1,300 letters, with another thousand letters to follow in periodic updates, this XML-based archive allows users to perform simple or advanced searches by period, correspondent, or topic. The letters may also be accessed directly through a sortable list or read in chronological order. Proper names link to a glossary that identifies over 2,500 people and places, providing a unique biographical view on the elites of the early Republic.

 Papers of John Jay
John Jay’s accomplishments span pre- and post-Revolutionary history and extend into all three branches of government. Jay was a major contributor to the Federalist Papers, negotiated the ultimately controversial 1794 Jay Treaty with Great Britain, and even served two terms as the governor of New York, but above all he is remembered as the first chief justice of the Supreme Court.