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U.S. History

Digital Editions of Presidential Papers

 Papers of George Washington
A landmark in historical scholarship, The Papers of George Washington Digital Edition encompasses five separate series and the complete diaries. This digital edition offers the full content of 74 letterpress volumes in a single online publication. You may search on full text and by date, author, or recipient across all volumes and series. The exceptional indexing of the individual print volumes is combined here into a single master index, and all internal document cross-references are linked.

 Papers of Thomas Jefferson
Crucial to our nation’s history as author of the Declaration of Independence and third president, Thomas Jefferson was also a major figure in the Enlightenment, representing for Europeans the embodiment of the early nineteenth-century American mind. Since 1950, his writings have been compiled in two ongoing projects, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson at Princeton University, and The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series sponsored by the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, which documents the time between Jefferson’s return to private life and his death in 1826. Rotunda’s digital edition brings together the content of the published volumes into one searchable online resource.

 Papers of Andrew Jackson
A fully annotated and searchable XML-based archive collects Jackson’s papers in one powerful online resource.

 Correspondence of James K. Polk
This digital edition of Polk’s correspondence includes the complete contents of the print edition’s fourteen volumes, plus an expanded supplementary calendar of documents found only here.

 Papers of Andrew Johnson
Andrew Johnson's career is notable for more than his impeachment, with much to tell us about Civil War-era politics and the complexity of Reconstruction, through a trajectory that is one of the most compelling, and strange, in presidential history. This digital edition of Johnson’s papers collects the complete contents of the print edition’s sixteen volumes, is fully searchable, and is interoperable with other titles in the Antebellum, Civil War, and Reconstruction collection.

  The Papers of Ulysses S. Grant
Digital edition of Grant's papers, based on the original letterpress edition edited by John Y. Simon. Searchable access to the content of the original thirty-one print volumes, including all editorial annotations, introductory essays, and appendices, as well as a separate volume of supplementary documents completed by John F. Marszalek. These materials contain thousands of letters written by Ulysses S. Grant (1837-1885), and to him; his military and presidential documents; and a small number of photographs.

 Papers of Woodrow Wilson
The ROTUNDA Digital Edition includes the complete contents of the landmark letterpress edition of the papers, with nearly 35,000 documents across 69 volumes