A number of DTC topics relate to medical devices. Information on medical devices is on another tab in this guide.
Other DTC topics are more interdisciplinary, and a successful research paper will require information from databases in many fields. Scopus and Web of Science both have articles from a large number of fields.
Google Scholar is another resource that has sources from a wide variety of fields. Here is a video that will help you figure out which resources in Google Scholar we have access to.
If your topic relates to education or schools, try looking for articles in ERIC or Education Abstracts:
If your topic relates to product construction, try looking for articles in Applied Science and Technology Abstracts, Inspec, IEEE/IEE Electronic Library, or ACM Digital Library:
If your topic relates to research on material properties, try looking in the Materials Science & Engineering Collection or ASM Handbooks:
We have access to a number of major newspapers:
If your topic relates to the environment or sustainability, try looking for articles in the Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Database, GreenFILE, or browsing the resources on the Ellen MacArthur Foundation website:
If your topic relates to business or marketing, try looking for information in IBISWorld, ABI/Inform, or Business Source Premier:
If your topic relates to social justice, here are some resources to get you started:
Thanks to Sandra Hughes-Hassell and INLS 690: Information Services in a Diverse Society for these resources.