Archive Finder brings together ArchivesUSA and the cumulative index to the National Inventory of Documentary Sources in the UK and Ireland (NIDS UK/Ireland). ArchivesUSA is a current directory of over 5,500 repositories and more than 161,000 collections of primary source material across the United States.
The world's most comprehensive catalog of library holdings, particularly (though not exclusively) from North American libraries, containing over 2,000,000,000 records from over 10,000 libraries.
NBCs Meet the Press is broadcast-televisions longest-running program, with interviews, panels and debates from across the political spectrum. The collection includes streaming video of every surviving program from the shows inception in 1947 through the present day.
Search the Vanderbilt Television News Archive of network television news programs and other news-related programming recorded since August 5, 1968. Streaming video of NBC and CNN content is available. The Archive makes all the items in its collection available to the public through a loan service. See a librarian for more information.
The collection of streaming videos that features full runs of many of the key international newsreels produced during the first half of the twentieth century. The collection is semantically indexed, allowing users to search by subject, year, historical era, historical event, people, and places.
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