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The Humphrey Winterton Collection of East African Photographs: 1860-1960

The website for the Humphrey Winterton Collection of East African Photographs: 1860-1960 was created in order to increase access to the materials in the collection, which includes of 7,610 photographs, 230 glass lantern slides, and various other materials


Northwestern University Library

David Easterbrook, George and Mary LeCron Foster Curator, Melville J. Herskovits Library of African Studies (Principal Investigator); Claire Stewart, Digital Collections (Project Manager); Lori Arp, Library Administration; Stu Baker, Library Technology; Michael Bulfin, Melville J. Herskovits Library of African Studies; Carolyn Caizzi, Digital Collections; Bridget Canavan, Web Technologies; Donia Conn, Conservation, Preservation; Scott Devine, Preservation; Steve DiDomenico, Enterprise Systems, Library Technology; Jeff Garrett, Special Libraries; Tonia Grafakos, Conservation, Preservation; Michelle Guittar, Melville J. Herskovits Library of African Studies; Thomas Howell, Web Technologies; John Kannenberg, Melville J. Herskovits Library of African Studies; Vlad Karpenko, Web Services, Library Technology; Crystal Martin, Melville J. Herskovits Library of African Studies; Karen Miller, Bibliographic Services; Tom O'Connell, Digital Collections; Bill Parod, Enterprise Systems, Library Technology; Julie Patton, Digital Collections; Brendan Quinn, Digital Collections; Kitz Rickert, Conservation, Preservation; Amanda Robillard, Digital Collections; Deborah Rose-Lefmann, Bibliographic Services; Dan Zellner, Digital Collections.

Advisory Committee

Lori Arp, Northwestern University Library; Aaron Becker, Evanston Township High School; David Easterbrook, Northwestern University Library; Jonathan Glassman, Northwestern University Department of History; Gary Greenberg, Northwestern University Information Technology Teaching and Research Initiatives; Carolyn Grantham, Chicago Public Schools; Paul Hertz, Northwestern University Information Technology Planning and Development; Chapurukha Kusimba, The Field Museum of Natural History; Jacki Lopushonsky, Community Unit School District 200, Wheaton, Illinois; Claire Stewart, Northwestern University Library; Krista Thompson, Northwestern University Department of Art History

Northwestern University Information Technology

Collection digitized by Northwestern University Advanced Media Production Studio (NUAMPS) Stefani Foster, NUAMPS Harlan Wallach, NUAMPS Matthew Jackson, NUAMPS Jonathan Smith, Academic & Research Technologies Bob Taylor, Academic & Research Technologies


Robin Dale
Ron Jantz
Frances Harris
Mark Notess

Additional thanks to: David Bishop, Sean O'Fahey, Russell Maylone, Sarah Pritchard, David Schoenbrun, Roxanne Sellberg, Andrea Stamm, and the African Studies Association Outreach Council.