Oxford Research Encyclopedias: Oxford Classical Dictionary This link opens in a new windowOxford Classical Dictionary hosts a continuously growing collection of over 6,500 entries, new and revised entries published online on a monthly basis, broader chronological, geographical, and cultural reach than the fourth edition, featuring new articles on gender studies, Late Antiquity, Christianity, Jewish studies, Near East, Bronze Age, linguistics, and reception. OCD has updated and, often, rewritten OCD4 entries, incorporating new available data, perspectives, and bibliographical resources, a truly living resource that evolves as the disciple evolves; articles offer the ability to see prior versions providing a real-time window into an ever-evolving discipline . OCD has all new and revised articles are peer-reviewed and feature a wide array of multimedia resources, including images, maps, audiovisual clips, links to primary texts, cross-references, and other digital tools. OCD reflects a broader and more inclusive coverage of the ancient world than the fourth edition thanks to a diverse and international board of editors and contributors. - Publisher