Want to print a poster? Come try our Plotter! This plotter is located in the Information Commons, just down the steps from the main entrance. - see map (below)
We also have a Plotter in the Mudd Library (2nd floor, Mudd Hall) on the north end of Northwestern's Evanston campus.
Paper: 28lb bond paper only
Minimum 3mm margins
24", 36", and 42" paper available.
At least one edge of print must be less than or equal to maximum available roll size.
Other edge can be any size, min. 10" max. 150"
Please see staff for information, including assistance with setting up your file to print on the Plotter!
This page focuses on printing with Microsoft PowerPoint.
Note: In this step, you are telling the printer the dimensions of your paper. You will need to adjust your file in the software so it can fit the paper, either by manually entering dimensions that reflect your desired size, or by automatically by scaling to fit paper.
1, Click the icon that says "Page as in Application"
A: Select the page size you want from the list.
B: choose "Create a custom page size"
Under "custom page size" choose width and length (inches) of your poster.
Name the custom page size (TIP: name it "WxL" where W and L are the width and length you entered.)
Click "Save." Your size will be automatically selected.
2. On the lower half of the window, click the large paper roll (Media icon) and select "any loaded roll" as your paper source. This will select a roll size based on the dimensions of your print. If you need to select a specific roll, use the bottom "media source" as your option to choose the paper style/size based on what is currently loaded in the Plotter.
3. Click the large layout icon, select "1 to 1." This will ensure that your document will print to the size you selected in step 1.
4. Click "OK"
5. In your program, click "Print"
Note: In this step, you have the opportunity to see what your poster will look like before it prints. You can make small changes, such as choosing a different type of paper, changing the way the document scales, or defining the position of the document on the page.
Before your document actually prints, there is one more step: the final preview!
If your print is too big:
Make sure you have selected 1:1 as the layout. If you chose "Maximally scale to media" your file will rotate and scale to its biggest possible size.
If your print is too small:
Make sure that the dimensions of your file are correct.
Make sure to scale your image in the software you used.
e.g., "Fit" in Adobe Reader or "Scale to Fit Paper" in PowerPoint.