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Library Equipment for Checkout

Content Guide

Key Information:

The Mudd circulation desk has a limited variety of tech accessories and equipment available for check out. We highly recommend placing a request at least 48 hours before you will need to use the equipment. If an item is not available when you request it, we'll add you to the wait-list. Before each checkout, we will ask you to sign the Tech Equipment Lending Agreement. Items must be picked up from and returned to Mudd.


IMPORTANT:  If you know that you no longer need to borrow a requested item, please login to your Library Account and delete the request.  This will help us get these devices more quickly to your peers for their projects.

Available Equipment:


Item Loan Period Request from NUsearch
iPad 14 Days


Deluxe iPad Kit 14 Days Request

Courtesy Items

Item Loan Period
Dry Erase Maker Kit 3 Hours
Lightboard Marker Kit 1 Day
Lightboard Remote

1 Day

Slide Advancer 1 Day
Ti-84 Calculator 3 Hours
Ti-84 Charging Cable 3 Hours
Scientific Calculators 3 Hours
Chat Enabled Headphones 3 Hours
Headphones with Jack & USB 3 Hours
Mac Chargers (USB-C; Mag-Safe 1 &2) 3 Hours
iPhone/iPad Lightning Charger 3 Hours
USB to USB-C Converter Cable 3 Hours
Micro-USB Cable 3 Hours
HDMI Cables 3 Hours
Rulers 3 Hours
Protractors 3 Hours
Umbrellas  1 Day


Equipment Guide Contact

For questions please contact Mudd library:


Phone: (847) 491-3361