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Religion 220_20: Introduction to Hebrew Bible

Indexes to journals

Peer review

Magazines, journals, scholarly popular, peer-reviewed..?? If you've ever run across any or a combination of these terms and needed clarification on their distinct meanings, the following table offers some definitions:


         Scholarly Journals     Trade Journals     Popular Magazines   Newspapers  
  Examples   Journal of Biblical literature
Advertising Age
American Israelite
  Content   Primary account of original research; In-depth analyses of issues in the field; Articles often include abstract, method, discussion, tables, conclusion, and references. Current news, trends, or products in an industry or professional organization; Statistics, forecasts, employment and career information Current events and news; General information with purpose to entertain or inform; Analyses of popular culture; Secondary account of someone else's research that may include opinion Current events and news that may be local, regional, national or international; Ads, editorials, speeches; Primary source for information on events

Some important scholarly journal titles



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Geoff Morse
Geoff Morse
Liaison for American Studies, History, Jewish Studies, and Religious Studies
Interim Head, Research Services
Room 2624
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1970 Campus Drive
Evanston, Illinois 60208-2300
phone: 847-467-1866

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