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Religion 220_20: Introduction to Hebrew Bible

Types of sources / terminology

Commentaries: A commentary will provide verse by verse or chapter by chapter comments on the meaning and context of biblical text.

Exegesis: Critical interpretation or explanation of a text.

Handbooks: A Handbook will provide scholarly reviews of research in a specific area. For instance, The Oxford Handbook of the Writings of the Hebrew Bible contains 30 substantial essays with numerous bibliographic citations. Sometimes described as concise and portable a handbook is an efficient means to obtain an overview of a subject.

Peer reviewed works:  Articles in scholarly journals undergo a process known as ‘peer review’ to ensure that they meet academic standards. Submissions to academic journals are anonymized and sent to at least two experts on the topic who then read and provide anonymous feedback about the piece to the author and the editors of the journal. The article may then be revised one or more times to take account of reviewer feedback before being published in the journal Examples.  of peer reviewed journals include Journal of Biblical literature, Biblical interpretation, and AJS Review: The Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies.

Quick start

NUsearch. Use NUsearch, to find books, journals, microfilms, and other library materials, including primary sources.

Worldcat: The world's most comprehensive catalog of library holdings, particularly (though not exclusively) from North American libraries. For items at other libraries in the Big Ten Academic Alliance, we can get them to NU in about 3 days.

ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials: The ATLA database provides citations to journal articles, book reviews, and essay collections in all areas of religious studies. Included in this database is the ATLA Serials collection which contains full text coverage of 250 Religion and Theology journals.

Oxford Bibliographies: Bliblical Studies: Provides peer-reviewed annotated bibliographies on Biblical studies, including perspectives from fields ranging from archaeology, Egyptology, Assyriology, and linguistics through textual, historical, and sociological studies, to literary theory, feminism, philosophy, and theology. Bibliographies are browseable by subject area and keyword searchable


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Geoff Morse
Geoff Morse
Liaison for American Studies, History, Jewish Studies, and Religious Studies
Interim Head, Research Services
Room 2624
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1970 Campus Drive
Evanston, Illinois 60208-2300
phone: 847-467-1866

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