NUsearch is the library's tool for finding books, journals, videos, images, and so much more (both physical and electronic) in our collection.
Probably the best way to approach searching for books in NUsearch is to start with a keyword search.
In addition to keywords, you can try using subject headings to find books. The main Library of Congress subject heading that refers to U.S. Latinos is Hispanic Americans.
The Hispanic Americans heading can be further subdivided by topical sub-headings, such as:
Use geographic sub-headings to help find books about Latinos in a specific region, such as:
You can also approach specific Latino ethnic groups, such as:
Or even Latin Americans living in the United States, such as:
Dictionaries provide definitions of terms, correct spellings and usage. They are a good source of keywords for searching.
Encyclopedias provide background information on concepts, events, places and people. They are a good place to start exploring a potential research topic. These encyclopedias address issues in Latino studies and race relations.
Many additional resouces for finding biographies are available on the Online Reference Materials page.
For materials that are not available via Northwestern, or books that are checked out by someone else, you can submit an interlibrary loan request to have a copy of the item sent here. Articles are sent in digital format and arrive more quickly than books, which are delivered by mail/delivery services; average time to receive a book request is 5-10 days.
If time is tight and you are willing to travel to another library in the Chicagoland area, take advantage of our Reciprocal Borrowing agreements with the University of Chicago, Loyola University of Chicago, and University of Illinois Chicago.
Feel free to suggest a purchase, too!