THE MLA STYLE MANUAL, 3rd edition, and THE MLA HANDBOOK, 7th edition, are available at the Reference desk. THE MLA HANDBOOK is also available in the Reference shelves in the Periodicals Room and in Main stacks, call no. 808.027 M685.
Interested in the Deutsche Zitierweise?
Consult the book:
Die schriftliche Form germanistischer Arbeiten : Empfehlungen für die Anlage und die äussere Gestaltung wissenschaftlicher Manuskripte unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Titelangaben von Schrifttum / Georg Bangen. 9th edition. Stuttgart : Metzler, 1990.
Find it in the Main library, South tower, 3rd floor. Call number: 430 B216s
Here are some links to German university web pages on citing sources in papers: