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ENGLISH 282: Writing and Speaking in Business

3 Videos: Finding Books; Choosing Keywords; Searching with Keywords

The Choosing Keywords and Searching with Keywords videos apply to searching within NUsearch as well as searching within databases found under the Articles tab.  Same concepts apply across all these library search tools!

The Choosing Keywords and Searching with Keywords videos apply to searching within NUsearch as well as searching within databases found under the Articles tab.  Same concepts apply across all these library search tools!

The Choosing Keywords and Searching with Keywords videos apply to searching within NUsearch as well as searching within databases found under the Articles tab.  Same concepts apply across all these library search tools!

Tips for sarching with keywords and limiting to online content in NUSearch

business AND writing-> finds both business and writing in the book or article records / descriptive content.

business AND (writing OR communication)--> finds business and writing, or business and communication or business and both writing and communication in the book or article records / descriptive content.  Since "writing" and "communication" are synonymous or similar search words, this search is a broader search than the
business AND writing search.  It may discover sources that you might have otherwise missed.


The initial search below in NUsearch finds not only books, but journals, individual articles and many other formats for information sources.  You can easily limit down to any format or date of publication, subject, language, etc.


LImits are now applied.

