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Augmented Curiosities: Virtual Play in African Pasts and Futures

A virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) experience in the Melville J. Herskovits Library of African Studies

Yoruba Statuette (late 19th - 20th c.) - Oyo Region, Nigeria

This embodiment was crafted for use in a shrine setting - it was carved from a single piece of wood and adorned with pigments and beads.

Dr. Chris Abani - NU Faculty : English | African Studies

Yoruba Stauette: Literature

In Yoruba art, a kneeling female figure with two children is referred to as Iyabeji or Abiyamo. The kneeling position is a gesture of respect, devotion, and submission. The colors presented in beads and other adornments relate the objects to particular deities. Facial marks, known as abaja, and hairstyle forms allow observers to associate the sculptures with a specific Yoruba subgroup.