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Zotero Support

Syncing Zotero libraries for access anywhere

Users of Zotero can sync (synchronize) their Zotero libraries and attached files with the Zotero server. This will place a copy of your Zotero library on the Zotero server and enable you to access your Zotero library anywhere you have access to the Internet and the Firefox browser. After downloading Zotero follow the steps below to sync your Zotero library:

  1. Register and create a Zotero account here:
    screenshot of registration screen on Zotero website:
  2. Open Zotero and go to Edit--Preferences:
    screenshot of Zotero library with Edit menu open and Preferences selected
  3. Once the preferences window has opened, select the Sync tab:
    screenshot of Zotero preferences menu open and Sync tab selected
  4. Enter the user name and password that you have registered with Zotero (see step 1 above) and then click on the Set up Syncing button:
    screenshot of Sync tab in Zotero preferences menu with Data Syncing section highlighted with username, password and set up syncing indicated
  5. Review the Sync settings and when satisfied click on the OK button:
    screenshot of Sync tab in Zotero preferences menu with Sync settings and OK button highlighted
  6. Now, in the Zotero interface, click on the sync button:
    screenshot of Zotero library with Sync button in upper right hand corner highlighted
  7. You local Zotero library is now in sync with your library on the Zotero server.