Many of these books are available online.
Text Mining and Visualization: Case Studies Using Open Source Tools -online edition ordered.
Text Mining: A Guidebook for the Social Sciences
Data Mining for the Social Sciences: An Introduction
R and Data Mining Examples and Case Studies
Automated Data Collection with R: a Practical Guide to Web Scraping and Text Mining
Text Mining with R: a Tidy Approach
Beginner lessons in Jupyter Notebooks and Python, "If you are completely new to text analysis, this is the place to start." Intermediate lessons in text analysis, and build your dataset. All from Constellate.
Topic Modeling: A Basic Introduction - from the Journal of Digital Humanities
The Programming Historian from the website: "peer-reviewed tutorials that help humanists learn a wide range of digital tools, techniques and workflows to facilitate research and teaching."
Bot or Not - example of Twitter analysis conducted with Python by data scientist Erin Shellman.
Does Sentiment Analysis Work? - review of sentiment analysis using R from data scientist David Robinson.
Python web scraping tutorial using BeautifulSoup from Dataquest
How to make a racist AI without really trying from ConceptNet
Well documented tutorial and write-up of an analysis using R from The Pudding