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Donating Oral Histories to the McCormick Library

The following guide is intended to support students, faculty, and independent researchers who are interested in conducting oral history interviews about Northwestern University’s history and depositing them with the University Archives.

Best Practices for Remote Interviews

While conducting remote interviews became a popular alternative to recording oral histories during the pandemic, they are still an effective option for long-distance and low-cost interviews.

  • The Oral History Association’s “Remote Interviewing Resources” guide (2020) is useful for conducting remote oral histories without sacrificing quality and still following best practices. Their “Consideration for Remote Oral History Interviewing” is a useful guide for weighing the pros and cons of remote versus in-person interviews.    
  • The University of California, Berkeley’s Oral History Center’s “Remote Recording with Zoom” webinar (2020) provides a practical step-by-step guide for setting up interviews over the Zoom platform for optimal quality recordings. They also have an accompanying written guide.