For there is always light, if only we are brave enough to see it, If only we are brave enough to be it. ~ Amanda Gorman
Why? Links added to Rich Text/HTML content are not checked by the LibGuides link checker, which makes it challenging to fix dead links before our users attempt to use them. While you can create links to Rich Text/HTML content, it is recommended that you do so sparingly and intentionally.
Unlike Link assets, database assets also appear in your site's A-Z Database List. This list is a central repository of all of your databases, making it easy for patrons to browse, filter, and search for electronic resources.
In addition to being easier to maintain in LibGuides, the Book from the Catalog Asset can help you create visual interest and include useful information about the book. Using a Book from the Catalog Asset allows you to create a link to a book record that includes (or can include) the call number, a link to the catalog record, information about the book, and an image of the book's cover.
You can reuse Book Assets much like you do Link Assets.