For there is always light, if only we are brave enough to see it, If only we are brave enough to be it. ~ Amanda Gorman
Side navigation is usually easier for our users to understand and navigate without being overwhelmed. Here are links to information about studies exploring usability, eye tracking, and other studies indicating that students generally have an easier time seeing and using side navigation:
Optimizing for accessibility, research guides will be in the side navigation format making it easier for users to navigate the guide.
Review the order of your boxes in the main column. Double check the boxes are in the order you expect them to be in.
Important Note: Only One navigation layout is available to you. It is "System Default - Side-Nav 3 Col Layout" Template. You will want to re-order the boxes on your guide so that they are in an order that makes sense to your guide.
LibGuides are made with responsive design. This makes it easier for users on phones, tablets, and other mobile devices to read and use them. However, this means that we need to pay attention to where we place content in guides as it will be rearranged to suit the screen size of the user.