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Metadata at Northwestern


The Metadata Inclusivity Steering Group (MISG) is a committee at Northwestern University Library including members from Metadata Services, Repository and Data Curation, and Galter Health Sciences Library. The MISG was started in the Fall 2020 to address a growing call in our profession to address the biases in our metadata.



Metadata Services is a bridge between resources and users and has a responsibility for creating and managing metadata that is inclusive. Doing this work is the responsibility of every member of Metadata Services. The Metadata Services Inclusivity Steering Group is formed in order to provide structure and direction to the workgroup and other metadata experts in the library so we can move closer to creating an environment that is welcoming and inclusive. The group is chaired by the Authority Metadata Librarian.
The steering committee’s duties are:

    Identify department-wide projects
    Identify potential practice and policy changes
    Identify topics for education and training
    Lead discussions in the Metadata Services workgroup meetings
    Liaise with other groups
    Write documentation and develop shareable resources when applicable


Members of the MISG are made up of staff from Metadata Services and Repository and Data Curation (RDC)

  •     Jamie Carlstone (Chair)
  •     Catherine Grove
  •     Abby Dover
  •     Jen Young
  •     Daniel Von Brighoff
  •     Aicha Azzaoui
  •     Gretchen Neidhardt