You need to take Steps 1-3 whenever you copy the Access document "Fund Management Reports."
If you only copy it once to your C: drive or desktop, you do not need to repeat these steps.
Update your Trust Center setting in your local installation of Access. Enable the Macros that power the Selector DB:
2. On the Access Option Menu, click on the "Trust Center."
4. Within the "Trust Center Settings" menu, click the radio button to enable all macros.
Update the language key in your ODBC settings to get diacritics to show up correctly in Voyager Reporter:
1. Go to the Run prompt and enter "regedit".
2. Open up the following folders in sequence:
d. KEY_OraClient10g_home1
See below for examples:
3. Look in the box to the right and double-click on NLS_LANG:
4. Paste the following text over the text you find in NLS_LANG: AMERICAN_AMERICA.US7ASCII
5. You should now be able to use diacritics successfully, unless you don't have the Unicode VBA in your database or the code is bad. See further available instructions in the L:\COLLABORATION\Access DB\Documentation folder.
Choose the type of report you need. For example, a Transaction Report for Past Fiscal Years:
for Setup or Access or Voyager Help
Thank you, Nat Gustafson-Sundell, for all of your work on this.