Contact Someone Data & Methods Bank
What You Need: | Where to Find It: |
To know how much support provided to a subject is composed of recurring expenses |
Budget Analysis Reports |
To figure out when invoices for journals have been paid in the past in order to calculate what to expect this fiscal year | Commits Remaining Reports - Past |
Everything I've ordered so far in the current fiscal year for which payment has Not been made | Commits Remaining - Current & 3 digit Fund Code |
To figure out why so few funds are listed as Available even though it is the beginning of a new fiscal year | Commits Remaining: Use 3 digit Fund Code |
To find out what is left to be paid and avoid leaving funds unspent at the end of the fiscal year | Commits Remaining: Use 3 digit Fund Code |
A list of recurring titles (journals, monographic continuations) that have Not been Paid for in the current fiscal year | Commits Remaining: Use Fund Codes -2 and/or -3 |
To find out if a resource has been renewed this year in order to guarantee uninterrupted availability or to cancel | Commits Remaining: Use Fund Codes -2 and/or -3 |
What the budget for this subject ought to look like | Fund Management |
An explanation and overview of fund management | Fund Management |
Definitions of fund types, e.g., the difference between Designated and Allocated funds | Fund Types and Fund Codes |
An explanation of Endowment funds and their balances | Fund Types and Fund Codes |
To calculate how much is really present to spend and to understand the difference between Available and Cash balances | Ledger Balances |
To understand budget lines in the ledger, e.g., a definition of Reporting Lines and their relationship to Allocated funds | Ledger Hierarchy |
Advice on how to project what the balance on a fund will be at the end of the fiscal year | Management Considerations |
To understand the whole fiscal year process--what happens when an order is placed, when are funds added to the ledger, etc. | Management Considerations |
A list of all of the reports ERaCA will send to me and when | Scheduled Reports |
As a review of collection building trends of the past, to see everything that has been charged on this fund in recent years | Transaction Reports for Any Fund in Any Year after 1998 |