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Full Text Newspaper Sources
- Access World News
Access news from over 3000 content providers world-wide. Includes newspapers, magazines, wire-services, and more.
Dates covered:1977 to present.
Individual publication coverage varies by title.
- Press Display
Read today's papers from around the world in their original full-page layout and design (advertisements and images intact). The most recent issues (past 60 days) of 500 titles from over 70 countries are available in Press Display.
Dates covered: Most recent 60 days
Individual publication coverage varies by title.
- Newspaper Source (EBSCOhost)
This database provides selected full text coverage for 245 newspapers, newswires and other sources. International newspaper coverage includes cover-to-cover full text for The Times (London), The Toronto Star, The Australian, and more. Newswire coverage includes AP Online (Associated Press), Asia Pulse, Canadian Press Wire, World Stream Newswires and more.
Dates covered: 1985 to present.
- Nexis Uni (formerly Lexis Nexis Academic)
Provides full text to hundreds of regional, national and international newspapers and news wires.
Dates covered: 1980 to present.
- Ethnic News Watch
Ethnic NewsWatch is an interdisciplinary, bilingual (English and Spanish) and comprehensive full text database of the newspapers, magazines and journals of the ethnic, minority and native press.
Dates covered: 1990 to present.
- GenderWatch
GenderWatch is a full text database of unique and diverse publications that focus on how gender impacts a broad spectrum of subject areas.
Dates covered: 1970 to present.