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Mendeley Support

What is Mendeley?

Mendeley is a reference management tool that can be used to manage citations to articles, books, government documents, book chapters, or websites. You can insert citations to articles that you find using multiple library databases.  From the Mendeley program, you can then easily insert these references into Word documents.  You can also use the web-based version to manage your research network of collaborators.  

You can make a Mendeley account (provide an email address and password) to access the same library using multiple devices.

Download Mendeley

You can download Mendeley by clicking on any of the versions on this page.  From here, you can download:

  • the Windows version
  • the Mac version
  • the Linux version

For assistance with Mendeley, please email the Mendeley support team.

Note on Mendeley Changes

Elsevier has announced on their blog that they are discontinuing Mendeley Desktop (the application) and replacing it with Mendeley Reference Manager, which can be used as an app or as a web application. Starting on September 1, 2022, new downloads of Mendeley Desktop will not be allowed. The applications are very similar, but if you currently have Mendeley Desktop, you will need to download Mendeley Reference Manager.

Other Citation Managers

If you're interested in using other citation managers in addition to or instead of Mendeley, take a look at our guides on Zotero and EndNote.