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Mendeley Support


This section of the guide will show you how to add citations to Mendeley from both a library database and manually.

Adding Citations from a Database

1. To add citations to Mendeley from a database, you will first need to download the Mendeley browser extension, which is compatible with Firefox, Chrome, and Safari, IE. Once installed, it looks like this:


2. Navigate to your database of choice and conduct a search.  I'm using JSTOR.

screenshot of search for "intersectional feminism" in JSTOR

3. Once you have your search results and you've decided on the articles you want to export, click on the Mendeley browser extension and click the checkboxes of your selections. Click Save (3) - this number will change depending on the number of articles you're exporting.   

screenshot of three articles selected in Mendeley browser extension

4. Your references will be automatically added to the indicated folder in your Web Library and the Mendeley Reference Manager. Here, I selected my Intersectional Feminism folder before exporting, but you can also add references to a folder after you export.

screenshot of these references in Mendeley online library         

  screenshot of folders in Mendeley online version, including Intersectional Feminism folder

Adding Citations Manually

1. To add a citation manually, click on Add New in Mendeley, then click Add Entry Manually.

screenshot of Mendeley Reference Manager with Add Entry Manually highlighted in the Add New menu

2. In the resulting window, you can enter an Identifier and click on the magnifying glass to find the resource. You can also enter the relevant information (Reference Type, Title, Authors), then click Add Entry.

screenshot of Add entry manually with the DOI, reference type, title, and authors fields filled in

3. The new reference has now been added to your library.

screenshot of newly added reference in Mendeley library