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NUsearch: Find a book

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Finding An Article Using NUsearch

Finding a Book at the Library: AKA Using NUsearch

This video will show you how to find and request a book from the library.


Finding Articles

  • Search library databases:  Northwestern has access to millions of articles not available through Google
  • Use keyword searching effectively
  • Limit your search to fit the parameters of your topic
  • Evaluate the types of resources available
  • If full text is not available through a database obtain articles using FindIt button and Interlibrary Loan

A great place to begin looking for articles by topic:

I Need It But You Don't Have It

Need a book from another library?  Use UBORROW.  Can't find your book in UBORROW? For other options ask the Interlibrary Loan staff, link below.

Need an article PDF scanned and sent to you? Log into (or create) your interlibrary loan account.  You may also check the status of your interlibrary loan requests here.

Need assistance? Contact the Interlibrary Loan Department.

How can I tell if an article is scholarly vs. popular?