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Videos for STEM Student Writers


This is a collection of informational videos to help STEM student writers write outlines, find literature, and write in-text citations, among other skills.  If you'd like more examples of videos that discuss these topics, feel free to get in touch with me.

Succinict Writing

This video is part of a series from UBC Science Writing.

Reading Scholarly Literature

This video is from UMN Libraries.

In-Text References

This video is from Humber Libraries.

Finding Scientific Literature

This video is from UTS Libraries.  They also have a ScienceDirect-specific video.

Figures and Tables

There are not many videos about figure captions and table headers or about in-text references for tables and figures. Here are some webpages with relevant information:

Figure Captions and Table Headers

In-Text References for Tables and Figures

Your Librarian

Profile Photo
Becca Greenstein
Mudd Library, Room 2168

Email is the best way to get in touch with me as I work from home some days. I'm happy to send you resources over email, meet via Zoom, or meet in person


This video is part of a series from UBC Science Writing. 

Types of Scholarly Literature

This video is from VCU Libraries.

Writing References

This video is from Northwestern University Libraries.