Searching Methods
Searching by keyword
Try using the following words along with a country name, region and/or type of site (ex. Peru, Andean region, cave dwelling) or name of a specific group or tribe of people (ex. Inca)
- excavations - archaeology
- antiquities
- archaeology
Searching for specific sites
The name of the archaeological site is usually a Subject Heading. Use the Advanced Search to search for the site name under Subject. Here are some examples:
- Michilimackinac
- Cahokia
- Chichen Itza
- Olduvai Gorge
Searching for sites by state or province
To locate archaeological sites in Canada and the United States (no particular site) use the following format: province or state followed by the word antiquities.
To locate sites by any other country (no particular site) use the following subject heading structure: