Use NUsearch, Northwestern University Library's online catalog, to find books, journals, microfilms, and other library materials.
Find Articles
Indexes and databases track down articles in journals and magazines. Most of the databases include the full text of the article. If the article citations you find in the databases do not include full text, click on which searches across many other indexing databases and sources of full text articles to find electronic full text of the article, if it exists, in the NU Library electronic environment.
will also lead to NUcat, the online catalog, if only a paper copy exists for the journal or periodical. If an item is not found in electronic or paper copy, a link to Interlibrary Loan will be given.
You can also locate the full article by directly searching on the journal title in NUsearch. You can then check to see whether the library owns the journal or periodical and if so, what issues/dates are owned and in what format (hard copy, electronic, microtext).