National Science Foundation - Find Funding
NSF funds research in most fields of science
and engineering (except for medical sciences),
science and engineering education (pre-k to
graduate school), as well as the social sciences.
National Institutes of Health - Guide for Grants & Contracts
The official publication for NIH medical and behavioral
research grant policies, guidelines and funding opportunities.
Health & Human Services - Information About Grants & Contracts
Funding opportunities will be listed in This site provides tips for applicants,
training, and information about managing HHS grants.
NSPIRES - NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated
Review and Evaluation System
Search for and view open, closed, past, and future
NASA research announcements.
Centers for Disease Control Grants
Funding opportunities from CDC
Environmental Protection Agency - Grants and Debarment
Open Announcements
A listing, rather than a searchable database, of funding
programs currently accepting applications.
National Endowment for the Arts
Guidelines and application forms, grant management,
and recent grant awards.
National Endowment for the Humanities
Search for grant programs, information about the
application process and grant management.
Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
Assists neighborhood organizations with identifying U.S.
ederal agencies that provide funding and points them
to additional resources.