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MS_HE_406-0: Research and Analysis I

NUsearch - Articles

NUsearch iconNUsearch is the library's tool for finding books, journals, videos, images, and so much more (both physical and electronic) in our collection.

Accessing Full Text

Some article databases provide full text while most only provide references to articles.

Look out for the purple buttonamong your database search results.

Click on the button to see if Northwestern provides full text access to the article via one of our electronic journal packages.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search

Key Education Databases

Related Databases

Databases for Journal Articles and More

The databases listed below are online indexes to literature in the field of education and other related subject disciplines.These provide references to (and in some cases the full text of) journal articles, as well as books, chapters of books, conference papers, book reviews, dissertations and other types of publications.