For other materials that are not available via Northwestern, be sure to search WorldCat.
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Keyword searching with one or a few words or phrases is a great way to start your research. It's flexible and forgiving. The challenge may be that the search can yield too few, too many, or a certain number of irrelevant results. However, a good keyword search can also find great results and lead to good subject headings!
"academic achievement" AND mainstreaming
"academic achievement" AND (mainstreaming OR inclusion)
Subject headings or pre-defined "controlled vocabulary" terms or phrases are assigned to every book or article you find in NUsearch or a particular database. If you don't know what subject headings to search, a keyword search can lead you to those important headings (sometimes called descriptors). The right subject headings can yield relevant search results. In addition, you can narrow down to sub-headings or sometimes even jump to broader or related subjects.
Examples of subject headings in NUsearch: