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SOC_POL_351-0: Education Policy and Social Change

Book Location Guide

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Finding books with NUsearch (Video)

Searching with keywords

Keyword searching with one or a few words or phrases is a great way to start your research.  It's flexible and forgiving.  The challenge may be that the search can yield too few, too many, or a certain number of irrelevant results.  However, a good keyword search can also find great results and lead to good subject headings!


"academic achievement" AND mainstreaming
"academic achievement" AND (mainstreaming OR inclusion)

Searching with subject headings

Subject headings or pre-defined "controlled vocabulary" terms or phrases are assigned to every book or article you find in NUsearch or a particular database.  If you don't know what subject headings to search, a keyword search can lead you to those important headings (sometimes called descriptors). The right subject headings can yield relevant search results.  In addition, you can narrow down to sub-headings or sometimes even jump to broader or related subjects.

Examples of subject headings in NUsearch:

Mainstreaming in education

Children with disabilities -- education

Inclusive education