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ENVR_POL 101-8 Chicago Environmental Justice (Rosenzweig)

Find Demographic Data

Geography is often the basis for collecting and organizing demographic data.  Geographic areas have been defined differently by different levels of government for different purposes.

Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP), created in 2005 leads regional planning for 7 NE Illinois counties; Cook, DuPage, Kane, Kendall, Lake, McHenry, and Will.

Community Data Snapshots. These summarize demographics, housing, employment, transportation habits, retail sales, and land use in northeastern Illinois' 7 counties, 284 municipalities, and 77 Chicago neighborhoods.

Additional CMAP Data Projects - including land use, transportation, job quality & access tool, regional indicators, regional greenhouse gas emissions.

Chicago Community Fact Books

Compiled from Census Data by researchers at the University of Chicago, these volumes help locate demographic data for Chicago's neighborhoods for much of the 20th century.


To find data collected/reported by the Census Bureau you will need to translate the CMA area into Census Tract areas, each identified by number.

Geographies Used by the U.S. Census Bureau to Report Data

National Hierarchy of Census Geographies
Graphic showing hierarchical relationshp among Census geographies with Nation at the top and Block Groups at the bottom
Census Small-Area Geographies
Image showing spatial relationships among small Census geographies

Other Data and Statistical Sources

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Jason Kruse
Northwestern University Library
1970 Campus Drive
Evanston, IL 60208
Subjects: Sociology