Policy Commons is a one-stop community platform for objective, fact-based research from the world’s leading policy experts, nonpartisan think tanks, IGOs and NGOs. *Also includes North American City Reports*
The world's largest database for public policy, with millions of reports, working papers, policy briefs, data sources, and media drawn from a directory of more than 20,000 IGOs, NGOs, think tanks, and research centers. Community tools allow users to upload, share, and discuss their discoveries.
Directories / Lists of NGOs, Think Tanks (and IGOs)
Yearbook of International Organizations OnlineThis link opens in a new windowThis directory provides information about international organizations including address(es), websites, description, history, aims, publications, staff, finances, activities, relations with other international intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, events, and members. Searchable by a variety of keywords and qualities including location of main office, type of organization, and member states. Statistics about international organizations also provided.