NUsearch is the library's tool for finding books, journals, videos, images, and so much more (both physical and electronic) in our collection.
Some books you need may be held at the Galter Library, Pritzker Legal Research Center or Schaffner Library.
You can request items from Chicago campus libraries be sent up to an Evanston campus library directly through NUsearch!
To place your request from the item record in NUsearch, simply click on the “Sign in to request” link next to the item, log in to your account, and follow the instructions.
UBorrow allows you to search for and request an item in real time from nearby CIC institutions with a guaranteed 12-week loan if NUL does not own it or it is currently checked out.
For other materials that are not available via Northwestern, be sure to search WorldCat. You can submit an interlibrary loan request to have a copy of the item sent here.
Feel free to suggest a purchase, too!
Probably the best way to approach searching for books in NUsearch is to start with a keyword search.