Each Japanese database offers different search options and functions. So read help files carefully to form your searching queries. Depends on your research topics and search terms, you may want to change your search options and use different search commands.
分かち書き Word Division or Word Segmantation
漢字のバリエーション Chinese Character Variants
表記のゆれ Transcription Variants
総合目録 Union Catalogs
新聞 Newspapers
国会図書館 National Diet Library http://www.ndl.go.jp/
国立情報学研究所 National Instutite of Informatics (NII) http://www.nii.ac.jp/
国際日本文化研究センター International Research Center for Japanese Studies http://www.nichibun.ac.jp/
Chronological search is available if your research topic is focused on specific time period. For more details, check データベースの案内 page.
国文学研究資料館 National Institute of Japanese Literature http://www.nijl.ac.jp/
Below are a few examples of databases available from the National Institute of Japanese Literature. See 電子史料館 page for more details.
国立歴史博物館 National Museum of Japanese History http://www.rekihaku.ac.jp/
Below are a few examples of databases available from the National Museum of Japanese History. See データベース page for more details.
国立国語研究所 National Institute for Japanese Language http://www.kokken.go.jp/
Below are a few examples of databases and resources available from the National Institute for Japanese Language.
文学関係 Japanese Literature
For Japanese Language Students
電子ブック E-Books
East Asian Library Websites in North America http://wason.library.cornell.edu/CEAL/CEALmemberhomepages.htm
Check Japanese collection websites of these East Asian library websites. You will find research guides and links to useful websites created by Japanese Studies librarians.
Special thanks to Chiaki Sakai, Japanese Studies Librarian at University of Iowa Libraries, who kindly permits the reproduction of her Japanese Internet Resources guide at Northwestern University Library