ASCE Civil Engineering Database The Civil Engineering Database (CEDB) is designed to provide easy bibliographic access to all ASCE publications. The database covers ASCEdocuments published since 1970. It provides full text access to all the journals; only abstracts and indexing for conference proceedings, books, standards, manuals, magazines, and newspapers.
Engineering Village Comprehensive interdisciplinary engineering database referencing 5,000 engineering journals and conference materials dating from 1884.
Environment & Energy Publishing Environment & Energy Publishing provides comprehensive, daily coverage of environmental and energy politics and policy. Includes articles, webcast video, and transcripts, presented under the titles: EnergyWire, ClimateWire, E&E Daily (Environment & Energy Daily), Greenwire and E&E News PM.
Environmental Engineering Abstracts A comprehensive database to index to world literature on all technological and engineering aspects of air, water and soil quality, environmental safety, sustainability and energy production.
GeoRef Published by the American Geosciences Institute, GeoRef is a comprehensive database in the geosciences and geotechnologies, including references to journal articles, books, maps, conference papers, reports and theses.
Scopus Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database, including peer-reviewed titles from international publishers, Open Access journals, conference proceedings, trade publications, quality web sources. Subject coverage : Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Engineering ; Life and Health Sciences ; Social Sciences, Psychology and Economics ; Biological, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
TRID Produced and maintained by the Transportation Research Board, TRID is the world's largest and most comprehensive bibliographic resource on transportation research information, covering all modes of transportation
Other useful databases
Academic Search Complete Contains indexing and abstracts for more than 8,300 journals encompassing many subjects including biology, chemistry, engineering, and physics.
ArticleFirst This database indexes articles from the table of contents of nearly 12500 journals and provides a list of libraries holding the journal title.
Energy Citations Database Contains bibliographic records for energy and energy-related topics from the Department of Energy (DOE) and its predecessor agencies and provides access to DOE publicly available citations from 1948 through the present.
Materials Science & Engineering Collection The Materials Science and Engineering Collection brings together in one place the majority of the leading materials science databases, with specialist content on materials science, metallurgy, ceramics, polymers, and composites used in engineering application
National Technical Reports Library (NTRL)
The National Technical Reports Library provides indexing and access to a collection of more than two million historical and current government technical reports of U.S. government-sponsored research. Full-text available for 700,000 of the 2.2 million items described. Dates covered include 1900-present.