Look for a Letter - Between March 12 and March 20, each residence will receive a letter inviting them to respond to the Census online. They will receive additional reminders of they do not respond. Between April 8 and April 16, a paper questionnaire will be sent to residences. If no response is received, a person will visit to follow up.
Online, Print, In Person - The Census can be answered online or on a print form. If you do not answer, a Census taker will come to your residence.
No Computer / Internet Access? - If you do not have access to a computer or the internet, visit a library. Or you may answer by telephone - in one of 16 languages! The invitation from the Census Bureau will include a phone number.
Who Should be Counted? - Everyone Counts! If you share a residence off-campus, ONE person should answer for all of the people living in the residence so that everyone living there is counted. Everyone should be included, U.S. Citizens, foreign students, parents, children, grandchildren and grandparents.
This Census Bureau video explains how students will be counted during the CoronaVirus/COVID-19 closures of many college and university campuses. The advice below is still valid.
If you live on campus in a Residence Hall or Fraternity/Sorority:
The Census Bureau classifies college dorms as "group quarters." They will contact the university to get information about those living on campus separately. You will not fill out the census! If you have a permanent address other than the dorms (like your parents' house), make sure the people at that address DO NOT count you on their form.
If you live OFF CAMPUS (in an apartment, etc.):
You'll fill out your own census form! If you live with roommates or other people, select one person to be your "house holder" and have them fill out the form. You should sit with them as they fill out the form to make sure the information they give about you is accurate! If you have a permanent address other than the dorms (like your parents' house), make sure the people at that address DO NOT count you on their form.
If you live WITH YOUR FAMILY (commuter students):
Make sure you or someone in your family fills out the form and includes you!