Richards, Jeffrey. 2008. Hollywood’s ancient worlds. London: Continuum.: 3 votes (6%)
Sobchak, Vivian. 1990. “Surge and splendor”: A phenomenology of the Hollywood historical epic. Representations 29:24–49: 16 votes (32%)
Coleman, Kathleen M. 2004. The pedant goes to Hollywood: The role of the academic consultant. In Gladiator: Film and history. Edited by Martin M. Winkler, 45–52. Oxford: Blackwell.: 5 votes (10%)
1 and 2: 2 votes (4%)
2 and 3: 18 votes (36%)
1 and 3: 2 votes (4%)
All of them: 3 votes (6%)
None of them: 1 votes (2%)
Total Votes: 50