The library holds print copies of most pre-2012 EISs, and digital copies of later EISs.The majority of our holdings were digitized by Google and made available through HathiTrust. The EIS drop-down option in the Transportation Library's catalog allows users to search all cataloged fields in our collection of environmental impact statements: title, author/creator (issuing agency), year, and any subject headings or notes contained in the
To limit results to items available full text online through our database, click the Full Text Online option at the top of your search results, or on the left panel of the screenTo limit by year or issuing agency, select the appropriate option from the left panel of the screen.
Or, simply select Advanced Search to define your search parameters at the start.
HathiTrust allows for full-text searching of EISs. Search for the phrase "Environmental Impact Statement" and any pertinent keywords. To limit to Northwestern's holdings, include the phrase "Northwestern University," or just select our institution from the panel on the left of the page.
Please note that not all of our EIS titles were digitized by Google and that all hard copy titles are still available in the library and through interlibrary loan. It is also important to note that due to physical limitations in the scanning bed used by Google, oversized materials within the volumes such as maps and foldouts were not digitized.
Search Google Books for full-text copies of EISs from our collection digitized by Google. It is important to note that due to physical limitations in the scanning bed used by Google, they were unable to digitize oversized materials within the volumes such as maps, foldouts, etc.