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New / Trial Databases

The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.

The CBS News Video Archive is a database of flagship news programming spanning 6 decades of journalistic coverage. Perfect for history, media studies, journalism, and social sciences students and scholars, this unique product provides an unparalleled look at American and World History events, as they were originally reported. - Publisher

Alternate Name(s) ACerS-NIST Phase Equilibria Diagram

Retrieve over 23,000 diagrams previously published in over 21 ACerS/NIST Phase equilibria diagram volumes as well as 2,500 electronic diagrams. Functionality includes: search commentaries and diagrams by Chemical System, published author's last name, volume number, language, publication year, and figure number; the commentary screen displays a full view of Chemical System, figure number, figure notes, references, commentary, footnotes, and contributing editors' initials; manipulate the diagram on screen with the following actions: Zoom In, Zoom Out, Lever Rule, Curve Follow, Mirror, Mol% to Wt% or Wt% to Mol%, Built in Calculator.


Archive of video segments from Cable News Network (CNN) specials and feature programming on business, economics, technology, environmental studies, health, women’s studies, and human rights.  Over 1100 videos currently included.
