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Structure Change

Core Businesses


What “big picture” activities – or clusters of work – does the library do to advance the University’s student learning, faculty teaching and research missions?  What matters to the campus?

  • Facilitate access to information – “get stuff”
  • Enable pursuit of curiosity, and discovery and creation of new knowledge
  • Instruction (education) -- how to find, evaluate and use information
  • Consultation and expertise to support advanced scholarship
  • Memory organization of NU - unique role on campus
  • Support Northwestern’s contribution to the cultural heritage community
  • Provide space - tailored to an array of user needs
  • Provide 24/7 digital platform - seamless, self-service, resource rich
  • Build and maintain systems and mechanisms to navigate the information landscape
  • Public relations, marketing, outreach
  • Work with donors
  • Promote NUL and NU brand outside of immediate area (extending even internationally)
  • Conduct our own research and scholarship
  • Provide a safe, secure and well-maintained environment
  • Serve as meaningful symbol/core of the University
  • Partner with other institutions